Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Emotional Mess

Dealing with some emotions? Ya, I know you are! We all are! Find out how to deal with your Emotional Mess.

Friday, September 11, 2009

This Again?

Flood Again? Yup that's right.. week 3 message is This Again?

Warmer Colder

Flood. Week 2. Are you Warmer or Colder?

Heart Condition

The first Flood has came... and went! but we sure did have a good time outside! (thanks marcos for being flooded with.. sewer....) but in any event.. Dennis spoke straight from the heart in his message Heart Condition.. (ok so that was a really bad attempt at using play on words.. forgive me please :] )...

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Another year at Flood has come to a close. We looked back at all of the previous messages and had some Reflection time

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Least of These

This message goes right along with the whole point of our flood group going to New Orleans.... service... Check out Dennis' challenge in Least of These

Which Are You?

Although we may not realize it, we each have God-given purpose. Dennis asks us which tree we are.. (you just have to listen to find out) in his message Which Are You

something more

I can't help but share this, this thing inside me. I touched on it some the other night when I spoke at flood. I feel as though there is this cry from within, something raising out of me… its pulsing within me creating a rhythm all its own. It fights against my flesh, defies my reason. Moves beyond what I can explain but confirms that which I know to be true. It calls to me from within, beckoning me to respond, demanding that I acknowledge something more. It is motionless and calm; yet full of passion and movement. It is God. It is His hand shaping my heart, molding me, fashioning me to His will. It is not an easy thing. It hurts, it requires work, yet He demands more. It has long been my hearts cry, my desire to have more of God, to simply be His, and let him have me. And here it is, this moment; the precipice of the unknown is upon me. God is calling me to more. I have to believe there is more. More to life than living and dying. More to me than this body. More to worship than a song. More to serving than my deeds. More to Love than empty words. More to salvation than a prayer. More to faith than things. More to Christianity than Sunday mornings. More to prayer than just my grief and lament. More to God than words on a page. More, More, More there has to be more…. Yet I realize that it isn't more of God… so much as it is less of me. God is constant, consistent, unchanging. He isn't going to be more; but rather be revealed more in my life, if I choose to heed to this thing inside of me.  Through the chaos of this world, the madness that has become humanity; He is calling His people. He is calling me; to more. There is so much more to be done. A world around me decaying, in utter depravity grasping for something, for hope. And I have it. For this, for his people, for his children, He calls for more.   

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

East of Eden

Tonight was St. Patty's Day Flood and Dennis hit us right in the mouth with a hard truths that aren't discussed much anymore. Listen to East of Eden and be changed (almost a part 2 to our family night teaching on relationships and adam and eve).

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Viewer Locations

so you might be interested to know where some of our visitors are viewing from..
heres a list of places (these are actually official.. i use a different ip tracer) from the campusflood.blogspot...
brazil, washington (the state), texas, oklahoma (its from broken arrow.. so i bet its sarah!), greenville NC (area), ohio, wv, ky, md, washington dc, philly...

from the website (again.. these are accurate)...
moscow (Russia), makati (Phillipines), algiers (algeria), madrid (spain), toronto and thunder bay (Canada), oregon, san francisco (Cali), austin and plano (Texas), omaha (Nebraska), chicago, vero beach and jacksonville (florida), TN, MS, durham/greensboro (NC), lexington (KY), columbus (OH), of course everywhere right around huntington, fairmont, frederick/baltimore (MD), and quite a lot of visits from the New York City area!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Tonight was family night! wooooooooweeeeeeee!! Everyone did a great job inviting your family out.. we had an 11 year old.. and an 84 year old! Dennis delivered a relevant message on the Strength of the family.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Little Brown Barf Bag

this past week we had a guest minister (cuz dennis and karissa had a baby!)
Get out your Little Brown Barf Bag and let Josh Huffman tell you like it is!

Heal My Darkness

This week we had another guest speaker.. this time, one of our own! Matthew Steele broke us. literally. listen. Heal My Darkness

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

About Love: Your First Love

in Part 4 of 4 in the About Love series Dennis talks about Your First Love. Check it. Out. Ya.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


"Knowing is not enough. We must apply," some German writer guy named Johann Wolfgang von Goethe said this. I know a totally random quote, but it fits the subject matter. I came across this quote 6 months ago and it grabbed my attention so I saved it, knowing at some point I could use it. And here it is… So we began our journey, before the arctic blast, into our series titled About Love. A series meant to cause us to look at the way God loves us, unconditionally, beyond measure, beyond reason and even beyond our understanding. A love that wasn't all in words but in deed, that deed was the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. He loves us, so he made a way to be with us, reaches out to us, the lost, broken and desperate people. Love in deed…. Heals the sick. Saves the lost. Feeds the hungry. Clothes the poor. Rescues the wicked. Empty's itself of everything, for another. God's Love. This is the love we talk about; this is the love that is going to change the world. But as the German guy says, Knowing about this love is not enough….. WE MUST APPLY IT. How do we apply God's Love? Well, we let it change us, soften our opinions, ideas, wants, desires, our very nature… we let the love of Christ sculpt us into something that reflects him, salt into this world. But how?? It doesn't happen by begging through prayer, or pleading with God. It happens by taking steps in our life to move toward where God wants us to be. From the moment of salvation we must step out in faith towards a new creation in Jesus. But so often we stop asking God to work that miracle of salvation in our life daily. What can he save you from today? What is dividing you from a new revelation of his love? What can you lay down to be more like him? We are not and will never in this life be perfect people, but when the love of Ephesians 3:17 takes over your life, when you are in pursuit of that unfailing love, that unimaginable love, then you are no longer content where you are at…. You must have more of God. You are in a passionate pursuit of Him and His love. So I ask; where is your passion today? What are you living for? How much of His Love have you let transform your life? And do you want more? More passion for him… Come out Tuesday and let's discover a new level of his love, and a new passion for serving him.
Peace D.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

About Love: Passion

February 3, 2009 turned out to be fun even after old man winter blew another few inches of snow on us.. Anyway, up next in our series (which didnt get to have last week!) is Passion.

Friday, January 23, 2009

About Love: Compassion

This is part numero uno in Dennis' 4-part (well.. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how long it goes) series, About Love. So here tis', Compassion.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Lost and Found

2nd Semester Spring '09 is upon us! And we started out with a great message from Dennis.. Lost and Found

Good At Nothing

So have you every had one of those moments, mornings, afternoons, days, weeks, months…… One of those moments when everything goes awry. When everything you touch collapses, falls apart, gets screwed up, turns to crap right in front of your eyes…. Yeah you know those moments, or at least I hope you do, I hope that I am not alone in this feeling. So I had one of those moments the other day. It seemed like everything I tried, just flat out failed. Nothing was working. Doors slammed hard in my face, locked and the key thrown away. Then the voice in my head started talking, you know that voice too right? Not the voice of peace, or reason… not your spirit, not God's spirit, but the other voice… the one that blends in, sneaks in half truths, lies to us, tears us down, causes doubt and panic, yeah that voice…. So here he comes a talking and for some reason in my insanity I start listening and buying every little thing that voice is selling…. I start seeing all the things in front of me that I have started and yet to finish, I start seeing all my short comings, all the things that are broken in my life, the junk that I cant seem to take care of….. and I hear it, Your not good at anything, You are good at nothing… and in my pity party I grab hold, latch on to it; and all my shortcomings come flying at me… you know the voice is right, I'm good at nothing, I'm not a good father, I'm not a good husband, friend, leader, pastor, accountant, example, Christian……. And just as I am about to really sink to that lowest of lows, right at that moment; The other voice starts talking…. The voice of reason and truth, of love and mercy, The Voice, Gods Voice…. He reminds me that without Him I am nothing, That the thing the other voice was selling was only half truth… the part I had forgotten, the part that frees me, is that He doesn't expect me to be good at anything, He expects me to depend completely on Him. The moment that I fail in myself to be good at something, well that's the very moment, if I will stay obedient and faithful, that's the moment that God can take over… and be really Good at Everything. So I encourage you, take rest in knowing that God only expects faithfulness and obedience out of you…..if we could get it all right, all on our own… well why would we need God? He created you "fearfully and wonderfully made", with all of those shortcomings, He created you…. How much more can He get the Glory in our lives, than when we succeed at the very things we are incapable of doing on our own? So go ahead, be good at nothing, except for loving Him, and be prepared to be amazed at the things He will do in your life.

Peace D.