Wednesday, March 23, 2011

2 Corinthians 6

About a week ago my mom came home and asked if Laura and I could pray for one of her best friends that was unsaved and very ill. She has an inoperable tumor in her colon and her prognosis is very poor. Even as she was in the hospital dying from cancer she told my mom she was unsure of being saved because she was afraid people would think she only got saved because she was dying. As I was reading the first part of chapter 6 I was immediately reminded of the situation with my mom’s friend. “For he says ‘In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.’ I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” The next day she came to know Jesus as her Savior. I say all that to say this, we shouldn’t put off the things that God has for us at the risk of losing whatever chance or opportunity He has for us right now. Whenever we feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit to do something for Him right we shouldn't put it off, but run with it, and God will use us in ways we couldn't even possibly imagine.
Paul goes on to describe all the things he's gone through, beatings, hunger, sorrow and just all these things that just cements the fact that the Christian walk means a blessed and amazing life, but not an easy one. Many people believe that when they become saved they’re not going to have to work, they’re not going to have to go through hardship, that life suddenly becomes easy, but when we trust God in those hardships and when we're broken that's when God can use us with an intensity that only that situation warrants. Paul also goes on to say that we should be set apart from unbelievers, that people that aren’t saved should be able to definitively tell the difference between us and the world. Christians become complacent in where they’re at with God and they begin to justify and compromise things that the Bible clearly says are sin. When this happens the royal Priesthood we belong to, the holy anointing we have been given becomes watered down in our lives, and the distinction we have from the rest of the world becomes blurred, and as disciples of Christ we become ineffective. Let’s never compromise or become complacent in where we are in Christ, and to rejoice when we endure hardship and not stand idly by when God is clearly telling us to move.

Love you guys,

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